
The CE Int’l Academy acknowledges that all staff, students, and members of the community have aright to complain about a service or product offered by the Academy.

Definition of complaint
“A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with a product or service offered or provided by the CE Int’l Academy, whether voiced by a member of the public, an employee or a student.”

complaints management

The Academy’s complaints management system is based on the following:

  • It supports the right of staff, students and the community to complain about the Academy services, decisions or conduct.

  •  It is the Academy’s policy that its staff, students and the community are aware of the complaints management system. Information about the complaints management system is  publicly available on the Academy’s website and other relevant  publications.

  • All CE Int’l Academy staff are expected to communicate to other staff, students and the community how to access the Academy’s complaints processes.

  • The CE Int’l Academy uses a straightforward and timely complaints process, which includes reasonable time frames for the management of complaints and regular communication with complainants about the management and progress of their complaints.

  • The Academy acknowledges that complaints can be sensitive, complicated and take time to resolve. The Academy will ensure that complainants are kept informed about the complaints process, anticipated time frames and any other factors likely to affect the progress of the complaint.

  • Decisions about complaints will be made as soon as possible following assessment or investigation of the complaint, and the decision will be communicated to the complainant as soon as practicable.

  • The Academy will handle complaints fairly, and appropriately adhere to principles of natural justice and good governance. This includes the requirement for staff to clearly explain to the complainant the factors considered in making a decision and the reasons for the decision.

  • The Academy will - wherever possible - protect the personal data of the complainant. However, there may be some instances where the disclosure of personal data is necessary to adhere to the principles of natural justice and good governance.

  • In the event that the EMCC or ICF Codes of Ethics are breached, the issue may be escalated to the two bodies.

  • Complaints will be acknowledged and normally responded to with a confirmation of this acknowledgment within 2 days of receipt.

  • The resolution of each complaint depends on the nature of the complaint and the actions that need to be taken to resolve it with integrity and fairness. See the procedures outlined below for more details.


For complaints of any nature

  • 1.a All complaints should be addressed to the Director of Student Affairs in writing.

  • 1.b E-mails should be clear and with a valid reason.

  • 1.c A confirmation e-mail of receipt will follow.

  • 1.d All cases will be handled in a timely manner according to priority and importance

    To lodge such a complaint send your email to
    Subject: Complaint pertinent to [issue in four words max]

    For complaints pertinent to the interruption of studies

    The process for the interruption of studies on the part of the learner is specific and transparent.

    • 2.a The decision to interrupt should be sent in writing to the Director of Student Affairs mentioning clearly any valid reason for the desire to do so. 

    • 2.b The Director investigates the reasons or complaints.

    • 2.c Any pending financial issues are communicated to the applicant along with a request to finalise these issues.

    • 2.d The announcement of the final decision will be made stating accepted arguments and declined arguments. In the event that the issue can be resolved internally with clear mutual benefits and restored trust, the Academy suggests continuation of the studies.

      To lodge such a complaint send your email to
      Subject: Complaint pertinent to interruption of studies

      minor expressions of dissatisfaction

      For minor expressions of dissatisfaction, or any other minor matters, the complainant may lodge a complaint with the Client Concierge by writing to:
      Subject: Complaint in relation to my studies


      1a. If the outcome of the procedures mentioned above for complaints of any nature are not satisfactory, then the learner may choose to lodge an appeal with the Academy Council. If the Academy Council decides that there are no grounds for an appeal, then the Director of Student Affairs will issue a letter of Completion of Procedures to the learner.

      1b. If the Academy Council decides that there are grounds for an appeal, then it will investigate the appeal and make recommendations to the Director of Student Affairs.  The Director of Student Affairs or any member of the Council that has been involved with the complaint at an earlier stage will be excluded during the appeal stage.

      To lodge an appeal send your email to
      Subject: Appeal for complaint

      academy charter

      The Academy Charter is a compilation of all the policies pertinent to the learners' collaboration with the Academy.

      The charter includes policies on the following:

      • Complaints management

      • Code of Behaviour

      • Quality Assurance

      • Learner Support Framework