You will not have the right to cancel a Contract where the Services have been fully performed or more than 65% performed.
Cancellations are subject to the policies detailed in the cancellation and refunds information for each course of study in the two distinct sections specified below.
In all cases, cancellations due to an unsuccessful visa application are not eligible for a refund.
If you request to end your participation prior to Workshop 2, you arerequired to pay 25% of the full course fee.
If you request to end your participation prior to Workshop 4, you are required to pay 45% of the full course fee.
If you request to end your participation prior to Workshop 6, you are required to pay 80% of the full course fee.
You will not be eligible for a refund after Workshop 6.
If you request to end your participation prior to Workshop 2, you are required to pay 25% of the full course fee.
If you request to end your participation prior to Workshop 5, you are required to pay 45% of the full course fee.
If you request to end your participation prior to Workshop 10, you are required to pay 80% of the full course fee.
You will not be eligible for a refund after Workshop 10.
An invoice will be issued from the Coaching Evolution Int’l Accounting Department, payable immediately.
If the invoice is not paid within 14 days and contact has not been made with the Academy, the student will be withdrawn from the course.